Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Prophetic Word for South Africa Jan 27, 2013 by Dr. Jonathan David

The Lord shows me of the breaking down of satanic influence and rule in the South African terrain. The Lord is shattering the strongholds of darkness, corruption, injustice, violence and the rule of fear. I see in the Spirit that satan cannot keep his management of the territory because there is a sovereign shaking of the terrain in which he is standing. From underneath his feet is emerging a generation of men and women who are the True Rainbow Nation – Faces without Races. They are locked arm to arm, step by step taking back the land from deceptive pretenders and politicians.
Piece after piece is broken from his control and these pieces are coming together to form a whole new nation. This stranglehold will be broken. It will not be a black or white or colored South Africa. It will be a whole new nation. The spirit of apartheid will be broken for good and forever (1994-2014). These Egyptians you see today you'll never see again. The system of slavery will be completely destroyed. This system of rule of fear, oppression and intimidation will fall by the wayside. Satanic influence on South Africa's destiny will be minimalized. It will become a minority race because the Lord Himself will silence the enemy. Satanic forces will not utter their voice in the streets, in the media and in their communities. Where He is heard, the enemy will be silenced!
A new sound will be heard in the political arena. A call for oneness. A call for true sons of Africa. A call for Africa to Arise. The call for death and destruction will be silenced by the overwhelming resonance of excitement of joy of the birth of a new nation.
South Africa the next two years are seasons of prayer and hiding in His presence. The angel of death will send His judgement on those who violate His blood and His redemption of this nation. The blood of His righteous Son has been shed No other blood need to be shed. His life was given for South Africa's redemption, no other life need to be taken.
God is rising in jealously for her . He is going to execute swift judgment on those bent on hell and destruction. You will see Him sovereignly moving them out and He will terrorize them with fear of Him.
The Church must arise form her lethargy and connect together and not collide with each other. He is summoning fathers in the land to humble themselves and surrender their self identity for a corporate dynamics of destiny. He will bring the fathers together with their agenda but under His kingdom mandate and agenda. Those who refuse to yield because of bitterness will be removed and sidelined. They will be like Uzziah alienated till the day of their death. Some will be like Hezekiah who will follow this course of destiny for a while and then revert back to the old. Though God will extend their years, they will lose all by the next generation.
South Africa will rise once again and become the Cape of God's Hope. There will be life and not death. The winds of adversity will give over to winds of refreshing and restoration. We will see fulfilment of what we have believed. It is only a matter of time now, wait patiently; wait earnestly; wait in His Presence. When He rises, You will.

God's Servant, Dr. Jonathan David

Monday, 16 June 2014

Arise and Shine {16 June 2014}

I see a cross made of a substance like glass, shining, on top of Table Mountain.  It is reflecting the Glory of the Lord upon all nations.  The shadow of this cross is like the shadow of the Almighty and nations will be touched by it.

For the Glory of the Lord rest upon you.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for they light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

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Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The King is coming {10 June 2014}

I had a vision.

I'm in the Throne room and I see golden pillars and God's Throne in front of me and Jesus right in front of me.  Angels around are blowing the trumpets. Jesus has a golden crown on His head. 

{The feeling I had in the vision was like the setting you have back stage when the curtains are about to open. It was the same here, just before Jesus was about to make His descent to earth.}

'The time of My Son is getting very close.  The angels are already blowing the trumpets.  You are now receiving your destiny mantles across the earth.  Prepare and watch...for the hour is close..it is at hand..a Kingdom destiny is only fulfilled through eyes gazing upon My Son at all hours of the day and night..never faltering..never failing..always listening..My trumpet call will announce the hour..BE READY'

Revelation 3:3  Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore you will not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Eternal Joy

As I sit here with the wind howling outside, sunshine pouring in through the window, I am immensely aware of His GREAT love and the ETERNAL JOY it brings. Nothing God does is in small measures and His love is the greatest of these..Today Father I am immensely grateful for your LOVE. You LOVE us ENDLESSLY and we ADORE You!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Open Heavens {6 June 2014}

My anointing oil is being poured out on open heavens all across the earth. Places that are to be sanctified for the coming revival. There will be a double anointing oozing from these places. Anyone stepping into these realms/atmospheres will be deeply touched. Pray for revelation from Me so My OPEN HEAVENS can be revealed and sealed. My angels have been sent out. Hallelujah and Glory to the Father. We love you.  

Isaiah 10:27 It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.

Malachi 4:2 But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the stall and leap for joy.

Psalm 116 

A resurrection into destinies {received 23 October 2013}

As I was praying on the beach with #EuropaAfricaUS for Hollywood I saw something lifting off Hollywood, almost like a light shining into the air and I saw butterflies released.  

There is a new fragrance starting...says the Lord | A RESURRECTION John 20:6 Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there | People will ask: 'but what happened to this one, that one?' They'll only see the 'stripped pieces of linen' from their past but not a trace of them because they have been resurrected into their DESTINIES | IT IS TIME

Monday, 2 June 2014

A vision/word received about the future of South Africa

Here is what I saw:
  1. A river of blood (bloodshed),
  2. Snake's head cut off,
  3. Wind blowing through SA,
  4. A protea opening above SA and a dove taking the protea branch and flying with it to 14 nations, in this paricular order: Botswana, Kenia, Mozambique, Congo, Zambia, Euthiopia, Egypt, Middle East up to Israel, Europe, Australia, Uganda, USA, South America, NZ. This is where the Holy Spirit will be established to flow from. In this order it will happen and it will happen fast.
Scripture: Psalm 33
The revelation:
There will be initial fighting and bloodshed in SA as the demons try fight the move of God's Spirit. BUT nothing can stop God's ways and power. Thus, the snake's head will be cut off(authority with evil origin). Once the snake's power has been cut off there will be a fresh wind of Grace sweeping across this nation, establishing SA as a forerunner and base for the biggest move of God across this earth. From here the Holy Spirit will be carried across to nations mentioned that will also form bases of establishing God's Spirit for His Kingdom to reign on earth and the whole earth to hear His msg. The Spirit of God has spoken. Job 13:10 (no partiality will be tolerated) only full fire for Jesus. 2 Cor 6:2 and Psalm 44
Received 21 February 2014 by Talitha Rabie 

Word for South Africa {Word received 28 November 2013}

Solomon's prayer 2 Chron 6:12, 2 Chron 7:14

I am looking for a man like Solomon who will build My spiritual temple in this land where I can dwell in. Who can carry My Presence in this land? And lead My people to victory? The time is now to find such a someone in your midst. Says the Lord of Heaven and earth.