Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Prophetic Word for South Africa Jan 27, 2013 by Dr. Jonathan David

The Lord shows me of the breaking down of satanic influence and rule in the South African terrain. The Lord is shattering the strongholds of darkness, corruption, injustice, violence and the rule of fear. I see in the Spirit that satan cannot keep his management of the territory because there is a sovereign shaking of the terrain in which he is standing. From underneath his feet is emerging a generation of men and women who are the True Rainbow Nation – Faces without Races. They are locked arm to arm, step by step taking back the land from deceptive pretenders and politicians.
Piece after piece is broken from his control and these pieces are coming together to form a whole new nation. This stranglehold will be broken. It will not be a black or white or colored South Africa. It will be a whole new nation. The spirit of apartheid will be broken for good and forever (1994-2014). These Egyptians you see today you'll never see again. The system of slavery will be completely destroyed. This system of rule of fear, oppression and intimidation will fall by the wayside. Satanic influence on South Africa's destiny will be minimalized. It will become a minority race because the Lord Himself will silence the enemy. Satanic forces will not utter their voice in the streets, in the media and in their communities. Where He is heard, the enemy will be silenced!
A new sound will be heard in the political arena. A call for oneness. A call for true sons of Africa. A call for Africa to Arise. The call for death and destruction will be silenced by the overwhelming resonance of excitement of joy of the birth of a new nation.
South Africa the next two years are seasons of prayer and hiding in His presence. The angel of death will send His judgement on those who violate His blood and His redemption of this nation. The blood of His righteous Son has been shed No other blood need to be shed. His life was given for South Africa's redemption, no other life need to be taken.
God is rising in jealously for her . He is going to execute swift judgment on those bent on hell and destruction. You will see Him sovereignly moving them out and He will terrorize them with fear of Him.
The Church must arise form her lethargy and connect together and not collide with each other. He is summoning fathers in the land to humble themselves and surrender their self identity for a corporate dynamics of destiny. He will bring the fathers together with their agenda but under His kingdom mandate and agenda. Those who refuse to yield because of bitterness will be removed and sidelined. They will be like Uzziah alienated till the day of their death. Some will be like Hezekiah who will follow this course of destiny for a while and then revert back to the old. Though God will extend their years, they will lose all by the next generation.
South Africa will rise once again and become the Cape of God's Hope. There will be life and not death. The winds of adversity will give over to winds of refreshing and restoration. We will see fulfilment of what we have believed. It is only a matter of time now, wait patiently; wait earnestly; wait in His Presence. When He rises, You will.

God's Servant, Dr. Jonathan David

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